月度存档: 12 月 2012

Windows 2003下载文件不能超过4M解决方法(转)

先在服务里关闭 iis admin service 服务
找到 windows/system32/inetsrv/ 下的 metabase.xml 文件。
用纯文本方式打开,找到 AspBufferingLimit 把它修改为需要的值(可修改为20M即:20480000)。
存盘,然后重启 iis admin service 服务

关于metabase.xml 和 metabase.bin
Windows 2003 : 存在metabase.xml 在%SYSTEMROOT%/system32/inetsrv,可以使用记事本编辑
Windows 2000, WindowsXP: 没有metabase.xml 文件,只有 metabase.bin 文件,需要用到工具MetaEdit 2.2,下载 ,在xp(我的2003下也提示)上他会提示你只支持iis4.0和5.0问你是否继续,直接确定就好了,修改前需要先关闭IIS服务(我的系统2003下也只有metabase.bin文件)

2012 Mayan apocalypse rumors have dark side, NASA warns

NASA scientists took time on Wednesday, Nov. 28, to soothe 2012 doomsday fears, warning against the dark side of Mayan apocalypse rumors — frightened children and suicidal teens who truly fear the world may come to an end Dec. 21.
These fears are based on misinterpretations of the Mayan calendar. On the 21st, the date of the winter solstice, a calendar cycle called the 13th b’ak’tun comes to an end. Although Maya scholars agree that the ancient Maya would not have seen this day as apocalyptic, rumors have spread that a cosmic event may end life on Earth on that day.
Thus NASA’s involvement. The space agency maintains a 2012 information page debunking popular Mayan apocalypse rumors, such as the idea that a rogue planet will hit Earth on Dec. 21, killing everyone. (In fact, astronomers are quite good at detecting near-Earth objects, and any wandering planet scheduled to collide with Earth in three weeks would be the brightest object in the sky behind the sun and moon by now.)
“There is no true issue here,” David Morrison, an astrobiologist at NASA Ames Research Center, said during a NASA Google+ Hangout event. “This is just a manufactured fantasy.”
Real-world consequences
‘While this is a joke to some people and a mystery to others, there is a core of people who are truly concerned.’
– David Morrison, an astrobiologist at NASA Ames Research Center
Unfortunately, Morrison said, the fantasy has real-life consequences. As one of NASA’s prominent speakers on 2012 doomsday myths, Morrison said, he receives many emails and letters from worried citizens, particularly young people. Some say they can’t eat, or are too worried to sleep, Morrison said. Others say they’re suicidal.
“While this is a joke to some people and a mystery to others, there is a core of people who are truly concerned,” he said.
Not every 2012 apocalypse believer thinks the world will end on Dec. 21. Some, inspired by New Age philosophies, expect a day of universal peace and spiritual transformation. But it’s impressionable kids who have NASA officials worried.
“I think it’s evil for people to propagate rumors on the Internet to frighten children,” Morrison said.
Myths and misconceptions
NASA scientists took questions via social media in the hour-long video chat, debunking doomsday myths from the rogue planet Nibiru to the danger of killer solar flares.
In fact, said NASA heliophysicist Lika Guhathakurta, it’s true that the sun is currently in an active phase of its cycle, meaning electromagnetic energy has picked up. Large solar flares can impact electronics and navigation systems on Earth, but satellites monitoring the sun give plenty of warning and allow officials to compensate for the extra electromagnetic activity when it hits our atmosphere. What’s more, Guhathakurta said, this particular solar maximum is the “wimpiest” in some time — scientists have no reason to expect solar storms beyond what our planet has weathered in the past.
Nor are any near-Earth objects, planetary or otherwise, threatening to slam into our planet on Dec. 21, said Don Yeomans, a planetary scientist who tracks near-Earth objects at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The only close asteroid approach on the horizon is forecast to occur on Feb. 13, 2013, when an asteroid will pass within 4.5 Earth radii to our planet (for perspective, Earth’s radius is 3,963 miles, or 6,378 kilometers). The asteroid is not going to hit Earth, Yeomans said.
Other rumors — that the Earth’s magnetic field will suddenly reverse or that the planet will travel almost 30,000 light-years and fall into the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy — were also dismissed. (A light-year is the distance light travels in one year, or about 6 trillion miles, or 10 trillion km.)
One popular rumor that the planet will undergo a complete blackout from Dec. 23 to 25 earned a “What?” and blank looks from the panel of scientists.
Ultimately, concerns about Earth’s fate would be better focused on slow-acting problems such as climate change rather than some sort of cosmic catastrophe, said Andrew Fraknoi, an astronomer at Foothill College in California.
Mitzi Adams, a heliophysicist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, agreed.
“The greatest threat to Earth in 2012, at the end of this year and in the future, is just from the human race itself,” Adams said.

From: http://www.foxnews.com

Ubuntu 12.04 中自定义DNS服务器设置

随着Ubuntu 12.04 LTS版的发布,我自然要体验下最新的Ubuntu 12.04 Server版了。习惯性的安装配置好了之后,开始配置静态IP设置。别的配置都没有什么问题,但是在配置DNS服务器的时候出了问题。

大家都知道,要修改Linux系统的DNS服务器,只需要编辑/etc/resolv.conf文件即可。然而在Ubuntu 12.04里面,打开这个文件后,虽然可以看到配置信息,但是同时也看到了文件头里醒目的两行注释:

#Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)



但是我真的很需要自己配置DNS服务器,Ubuntu Desktop版中可以借助图形界面的工具,进行手动配置,这个没有什么问题。但是对于Ubuntu Server版来说,没有图形工具了,必须要自己修改文件进行配置才行,这下这个文件每次启动后都会被覆盖了,要怎么样才能让我自己的DNS服务器信息能保存到系统里呢?

网上搜索了一下,发现了解决办法,原来只需要往resolvconf这个程序的目录里写入一个新配置文件就可以解决。让我们一起看看怎么样在Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server版中配置自己的DNS服务器吧!


#vim /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail


#/etc/init.d/resolvconf restart

— 最简单的还是直接sudo apt-get remove resolvconf,然后直接改/etc/resolv.conf – -! 这么一堆,何必呢


程序的速度应该每过一两年就会增加一倍,因为摩尔定律预言处理器性能会每隔18个月翻一番。但在多核时代,单核的性能趋于平稳,而计算机软件还无法充分利用多个核心的全部功能,原因与程序的多线程代码有关。现在,微软研究院Jared Parsons等人的论文(PDF)已被OOPSLA接受出版,论文描述了一种方法可以让编译器自动线程单线程程序, 让摩尔定律的改进能重走上正轨。

微软团队的方法是让编译器跟踪易变性(mutability),判断哪些代码可以并行化哪些不能。研究团队声称他们已经编 写了数百万行代码,开发了一个web server,MPEG解码器等各种应用程序,表示他们的语言可用于实际产品。不过微软目前尚未公开代码。